December 20, 2016

Blade Runner 2049

When we left the movie theater years ago, my buddy said to me “I didn’t understand what that movie was about”. We were still in highschool and had just came out of watching a remastered version of Blade Runner. I thought I had understood the movie, but my buddy was smart, so I knew that there was something more to understand that I had completely missed. Something more than meets the eye.

And now we have more.

Have you seen the new Blade Runner trailer? Blade Runner 2049. Of course you’ve seen it. It is a full package of hope wrapped up in Harrison Ford nostalgia and Ryan Gosling LA-ness.

The trailer features a deserted korean building with a piano and Vangelis-like music. Reading on the limited dialog and action it looks like Ryan might be after the girl or after Deckard as a suspected replicant.

I hope Blade Runner 2049 is a good movie. Or at least a movie that makes me think that there was more to it than what meets the eye.

December 20, 2016

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