March 1, 2016

More On Printed Books And The Future Of Traditional Publishers

Gene Doucette on publishers marketing their dwindling ebook sales—caused by their prizing strategies—as a positive sign:

It should come as very little surprise to you that after jacking up the prices of their ebooks at the start of 2015, the Big 5 sold fewer ebooks.

Now here’s the fun part, the part that just makes me shake my head and giggle and wonder how I can live in such extraordinary times. After six months of depressed ebook sales, the Big 5 announced that the ebook market was slowing down.

Not: “we priced ourselves out of the market and stopped selling as many books”. No no no. The ebook market! Is slowing down!

This was celebrated!

-The collective madness of the publishing industry

March 1, 2016

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