July 8, 2016

Top 10 Most Popular Twitter Hashtags for Writers

| | #writing | 3,886,285 | | #GetPublished | 636 | | #amwriting | 3,011,162 | | #SciFiChat | 429 | | #IndieAuthors | 2,970,102 | | #eprdctn | 360 | | #WordCount | 2,848,731 | | #ScriptChat | 234 | | #WritersLife | 2,537,791 | | #SelfPub | 188 | | #IndieAuthors | 2,491,342 | | #amwriting | 187 | | #WritingTips | 2,407,592 | | #BookMarketing | 179 | | #WW | 2,393,012 | | #IndiePub | 172 | | #NaNoWriMo | 2,364,588 | | #WritingTips | 171 | | #WriterWednesday | 2,180,557 | | #YALitChat | 168 | | #BookMarketing | 1,975,119 | | #WW | 165 | | #YALitChat | 1,874,258 | | #WriterWednesday | 164 | | #YA | 1,793,714 | | #IndieAuthors | 161 | | #WriteChat | 1,640,460 | | #writing | 159 | | #GetPublished | 1,350,516 | | #IndieAuthors | 158 | | #WANA | 1,191,704 | | #SelfPublishing | 150 | | #ScriptChat | 1,024,155 | | #WritersLife | 149 | | #LitChat | 983,580 | | #WritingParty | 128 | | #SelfPub | 660,979 | | #WriteChat | 124 | | #IndiePub | 647,231 | | #NaNoWriMo | 119 | | #SciFiChat | 534,969 | | #WANA | 114 | | #SelfPublishing | 235,578 | | #YA | 109 | | #rewriting | 126,266 | | #WordCount | 108 | | #WritingParty | 62,081 | | #rewriting | 105 | | #eprdctn | 55,920 | | #LitChat | 103 |


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TOP twitter hashtags for writers

July 8, 2016

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