April 2, 2024

Automating My Manuscript Folder Setup with a Simple Script

As I began compiling notes for my new story into a single file, I realized the need to break it down into multiple files. Reflecting on the folder structure I had used in the past, and envisioning its utility for future projects, I decided to automate the creation of files and folders with a script.

The less time spent on setup, the more you can dedicate to actual writing. That’s precisely why I crafted this script—to swiftly organize writing projects with efficiency, establishing a detailed, ready-to-use folder structure within seconds.

Let’s, for the moment, set aside the time spent writing the script and not label it as procrastination.

Streamlining My Writing Project Setup with a Simple Script

Why This Script?

Every writing project is a universe. Characters, plots, and worlds need space to grow. But organizing this space? It can eat up time. I wanted to cut down this prep work. With a single command, this script builds a complete, neatly organized project directory. Now, I can dive straight into what truly matters: crafting my story.

What It Creates

The script sets up a structure like this:

📁 New-Manuscript/
├── 📁 01-WorldBuilding/
│   ├── locations.md
│   ├── history.md
│   ├── technology.md
│   ├── 📁 01-Cultures/
│   ├── 📁 02-Economies/
│   ├── 📁 03-Politics/
│   └── 📁 04-Science/
├── 📁 02-Characters/
│   ├── character-arcs.md
│   ├── 📁 01-Main/
│   ├── 📁 02-Supporting/
│   └── 📁 03-Antagonists/
├── 📁 03-Themes/
│   ├── main-themes.md
│   └── subplots.md
├── 📁 04-Chapters/
│   ├── 📁 01-Drafts/
│   ├── 📁 02-Final/
│   └── 📁 03-Extras/
│       ├── bonus-content.md
│       └── alternate-endings.md
├── 📁 05-Notes/
│   ├── ideas-log.md
│   └── research-notes.md
├── 📁 06-Artwork/
│   ├── 📁 01-Characters/
│   ├── 📁 02-Locations/
│   └── 📁 03-Items/
├── 📁 07-Feedback/
│   ├── reader-comments.md
│   └── beta-reader-notes.md
├── 📁 08-Marketing/
│   ├── blurbs.md
│   ├── cover-letters.md
│   └── promotional-materials.md
├── 📁 09-Publishing/
│   ├── publication-checklist.md
│   └── format-guidelines.md
├── 📁 10-Templates/
│   ├── chapter-template.md
│   └── character-profile-template.md
└── README.md

It’s a full framework for any writing project, customizable to fit any writer’s process.

The Script

I’ve shared this script as a gist, easy to use for any writer comfortable with the command line. Here’s the link in github to get started:

❯❯ create-writing-project-structure.js

How to Use

To get started with this script, follow these simple steps (you need to have node installed):

  1. Download the Script: First, download the script from the provided gist link. Save it to a directory where you wish to create your new writing project.

  2. Run the Script: Execute the script with Node.js, passing in the name of your new project as an argument. If you don’t specify a name, it defaults to “New-Manuscript”. Type:

    • node create-writing-project-structure.js "My Project Name".
  3. Check Your New Project: Navigate to the newly created project directory. You’ll find all the folders and files laid out as per the structure, ready for you to start filling with your creative content.


My goal was simple: make the organizational part of writing as painless as possible. This script does just that, letting writers focus on their creativity, not folder creation. It’s a small tool, but it saves precious time and reminds me what I need to do next.

Now, let’s write.


April 2, 2024


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