Hugh Howey On Writing
Hugh Howey goes into tons of detail for aspiring writers, which is awesome. Here are my two favorite quotes from the article:
This is Howey’s first advice for writers.
To begin with, you need to write. […] Get comfortable staring at a blank screen and not writing. This is a skill. If you can not write and avoid filling that time with distractions, you’ll get to the point where you start writing. Open your manuscript and just be with it.
And his advice on persistence.
Secondly, learn to write rough. Stop caring about spelling and sentence fragments and plot holes and grammar. Get the story down. Listen to the dialog and try to keep up with your fingers. Get to the end of your manuscript and THEN worry about the quality. If you can master the art of powering through to the end of your story, you are on your way.
[caption id=“attachment_122” align=“aligncenter” width=“684” class=“”] photo by Christopher Michel ([/caption]