August 15, 2016

Sunday report: August week #2

Oh, man. This week was rough. My very carefully constructed plot fell apart. AND I had to keep on writing 500 words 1 at least on each of my morning and evening sprints.

My goal is to write daily each day of the working week during my commute, at least 500 words each way. Some of my writing sprints were a bit of a mess, but I got all my ideas there. I forced myself to follow my plan, but in a couple of occasions new ideas took over. Once draft #1 is out I will need to go back and rewrite the new ideas in.

The numbers

Total: 6,944 words

Edna Ferber

  1. actually I set my goal to be 555 each sprint or 1110 a day.↩︎

August 15, 2016

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