Chroma Cascade Palette
In my continuous exploration of color theory, two sources have been key influence for me: (1) the meticulous color systems used in Tom Sachs’ studio and (2) the limited color palette of Pico-8 fantasy console. Both are such great examples of approaches to color that are both rigorous and inventive, reflecting a deep understanding of how constrains in color can shape perception in art/design.
Chroma Cascade is inspired by this philosophy. I have curated three distinct color palettes to bring consistency and vibrancy to the visual elements in my projects. Each palette is thoughtfully composed to offer a balance of dark, regular, and light tints, ensuring versatility and coherence across various applications.
- Red
- Orange
- Gold
- Yellow
- Maroon
- Pink
- Violet
- Taupe
- Olive
- Green
- White
- Black
- Navy
- Blue
- Cyan
- Sky
Palette 1 (Original Colors)
- #f2121f
- #fc732e
- #fcbe38
- #fad584
- #8a0f17
- #d74f83
- #8978cd
- #beb1a3
- #434421
- #85a435
- #f8f9f6
- #080a0a
- #2f3548
- #3579a6
- #74c3c4
- #b5dff8
Palette 2 (Light Tints)
- #ff4949
- #ff9e5a
- #ffd75f
- #ffe6a1
- #a93333
- #ff88b0
- #a9a1f2
- #e2c5c5
- #666544
- #a6d15d
- #ffffff
- #2b2b2b
- #5c5b6c
- #5c8fc7
- #96d9e1
- #d3f4ff
Palette 3 (Dark Shades)
- #d20000
- #d95311
- #dca724
- #e2ba57
- #6a0000
- #b83564
- #685ba4
- #9a8a8a
- #2b2b17
- #65832a
- #d1d2d2
- #000000
- #1a1c29
- #1e467a
- #4a939e
- #83c5df
The codes
Color Name | Regular Color | Light (Warm Tints) | Dark (Cool Shades) |
Red | #f2121f | #ff4949 | #d20000 |
Orange | #fc732e | #ff9e5a | #d95311 |
Gold | #fcbe38 | #ffd75f | #dca724 |
Yellow | #fad584 | #ffe6a1 | #e2ba57 |
Maroon | #8a0f17 | #a93333 | #6a0000 |
Pink | #d74f83 | #ff88b0 | #b83564 |
Violet | #8978cd | #a9a1f2 | #685ba4 |
Taupe | #beb1a3 | #e2c5c5 | #9a8a8a |
Olive | #434421 | #666544 | #2b2b17 |
Green | #85a435 | #a6d15d | #65832a |
White | #f8f9f6 | #ffffff | #d1d2d2 |
Black | #080a0a | #2b2b2b | #000000 |
Navy | #2f3548 | #5c5b6c | #1a1c29 |
Blue | #3579a6 | #5c8fc7 | #1e467a |
Cyan | #74c3c4 | #96d9e1 | #4a939e |
Sky | #b5dff8 | #d3f4ff | #83c5df |
the 12-bit version
Palette 1 (Original Colors)
- #E12
- #F73
- #FB3
- #FD8
- #811
- #D58
- #87C
- #BAA
- #442
- #8A3
- #FFE
- #011
- #334
- #37A
- #7BC
- #BDF
Palette 2 (Light Tints)
- #F44
- #F95
- #FD6
- #FE9
- #A33
- #F8A
- #A9E
- #DCC
- #664
- #AC5
- #FFF
- #333
- #556
- #58C
- #9DD
- #CEF
Palette 3 (Dark Shades)
- #C00
- #D51
- #DA2
- #DB5
- #600
- #B36
- #65A
- #988
- #331
- #682
- #CCC
- #000
- #222
- #247
- #499
- #8CD
The Codes
Color Name | Regular Color | Light (Warm Tints) | Dark (Cool Shades) |
Red | #E12 | #F44 | #C00 |
Orange | #F73 | #F95 | #D51 |
Gold | #FB3 | #FD6 | #DA2 |
Yellow | #FD8 | #FE9 | #DB5 |
Maroon | #811 | #A33 | #600 |
Pink | #D58 | #F8A | #B36 |
Violet | #87C | #A9E | #65A |
Taupe | #BAA | #DCC | #988 |
Olive | #442 | #664 | #331 |
Green | #8A3 | #AC5 | #682 |
White | #FFE | #FFF | #CCC |
Black | #011 | #333 | #000 |
Navy | #334 | #556 | #222 |
Blue | #37A | #58C | #247 |
Cyan | #7BC | #9DD | #499 |
Sky | #BDF | #CEF | #8CD |
Sunset Blaze
- #f2121f
- #fc732e
- #ff9e5a
- #fcbe38
- #d74f83
Spring Meadow
- #85a435
- #a6d15d
- #e2ba57
- #d74f83
- #ff88b0
Deep Ocean
- #3579a6
- #74c3c4
- #96d9e1
- #4a939e
- #1e467a
Urban Chic
- #2f3548
- #080a0a
- #434421
- #beb1a3
- #d1d2d2
Electric Nights
- #ff88b0
- #fc732e
- #d3f4ff
- #3579a6
- #5c8fc7
Autumn Harvest
- #d95311
- #fcbe38
- #e2ba57
- #8a0f17
- #d74f83
Winter Calm
- #b5dff8
- #96d9e1
- #f8f9f6
- #2f3548
- #3579a6
Mystic Woods
- #434421
- #666544
- #2b2b17
- #85a435
- #65832a
Harvest Gold
- #fcbe38
- #e2ba57
- #fad584
- #d95311
- #85a435
Starry Night
- #2f3548
- #1a1c29
- #685ba4
- #8978cd
- #4a939e
Sunset Radiance
- #f2121f
- #ff4949
- #d20000
- #fc732e
- #ff9e5a
Forest Serenity
- #85a435
- #a6d15d
- #65832a
- #434421
- #666544
Ocean Tranquility
- #3579a6
- #5c8fc7
- #1e467a
- #74c3c4
- #96d9e1
Urban Elegance
- #beb1a3
- #e2c5c5
- #9a8a8a
- #2f3548
- #5c5b6c
Cyber Glow
- #ff88b0
- #ffb6c1
- #ff69b4
- #ff9e5a
- #ffd75f
Autumn Harmony
- #fad584
- #ffe6a1
- #e2ba57
- #fc732e
- #ff9e5a
Winter Frost
- #b5dff8
- #d3f4ff
- #83c5df
- #3579a6
- #5c8fc7
Mystic Dream
- #8978cd
- #a9a1f2
- #685ba4
- #434421
- #666544
Spring Delight
- #ff88b0
- #fcbe38
- #fad584
- #85a435
- #d74f83
Night Whisper
- #2f3548
- #080a0a
- #434421
- #85a435
- #8978cd