Harmonious Color Palettes
Color palettes are one of the domains where science meets art. Here is a collection of color swatches for different projects.
Via: https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/
Solarized creator Ethan Schoonover sought colors that would look good together, have the same apparent brightness, and work on light and dark backgrounds.
—The Very Mathematical History of a Perfect Color Combination
- #002b36
- #073642
- #586e75
- #657b83
- #839496
- #93a1a1
- #eee8d5
- #fdf6e3
- #b58900
- #cb4b16
- #dc322f
- #d33682
- #6c71c4
- #268bd2
- #2aa198
- #859900
Via: https://romanzolotarev.com/pico-8-color-palette/
Every pixel on PICO-8 is stored as a 4-bit value in memory. Because a 4-bit value can only hold the values 0-15, this means pixels can only choose from a list of 16 colors. This list is referred to as the palette.
- #000000
- #1D2B53
- #7E2553
- #008751
- #AB5236
- #5F574F
- #C2C3C7
- #FFF1E8
- #FF004D
- #FFA300
- #FFEC27
- #00E436
- #29ADFF
- #83769C
- #FF77A8
The 12-bit rainbow palette
Via: https://iamkate.com/data/12-bit-rainbow/
I designed the 12-bit rainbow palette for use in my data visualisations. It consists of twelve colours chosen with consideration for how we perceive hue, chroma, and luminance […] The palette uses a 12-bit colour depth, so each colour requires only four characters when specified as a hexadecimal colour code in a css or svg file:
- #817
- #a35
- #c66
- #e94
- #ed0
- #9d5
- #4d8
- #2cb
- #0bc
- #09c
- #36b
- #639
Dracula (Pro)
Via: https://draculatheme.com/pro
Dracula PRO is a color scheme and UI theme tailored for programming.
Made for terminal emulators, code editors, and syntax highlighters. Designed to be aesthetically pleasing while keeping you focused.
- #23212C
- #7970A9
- #454159
- #F7F8F2
- #80FFEB
- #8BFF80
- #FFC97F
- #FE80BF
- #9580FF
- #FF9580
- #FFFF80
Via: https://blog.datawrapper.de/colors-for-data-vis-style-guides/
- DB4C81
- 897BD3
- 73C3C5
- FFD13C
- 1770B8
- EF2026
- FF412C
- 9F29FF
- 31CAA8
- 06A6EE
- 003CAB
- C20800
Lego Bricks 2021
Via: https://lospec.com/palette-list/lego-colours-2021
- #ffffff
- #afb5c7
- #595d60
- #212121
- #6a0e15
- #ff6347
- #89351d
- #330000
- #907450
- #dec69c
- #7c9051
- #a6ca55
- #dfeea5
- #f3e055
- #f7d117
- #f7ba30
- #ff7e14
- #b35408
- #e3a05b
- #ffaf7d
- #2e5543
- #00642e
- #10cb31
- #76a290
- #008a80
- #ccffff
- #143044
- #0057a6
- #3399ff
- #42c0fb
- #b30006
- #ffbbff
- #c87080
- #b52952
- #b18cbf
- #885e9e
- #5f2683
- #5a7184
- #9fc3e9
- #61afff
- ⭐ A detailed guide to colors in data vis style guides
“How to create an organizational color palette”
- Coolors
“Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes.”
- Lospec - Palette List
“A searchable collection of palettes for pixel art. Every palette can be downloaded in 6 different formats, and imported into nearly any software used to create pixel art.”
- Retro Game Colour Palettes And Tools
- “A collection of colour palettes for pixel art, as well as some useful resources.”